SRI-CONNECT's features are grouped into four areas:

Market buzz

A peer-to-peer news channel that represents ‘what’s happening now in SRI’ by enabling users to publish news, notes, ideas and questions to the SRI community & receive the same from others


A ‘who’s who’ of SRI containing detailed profiles of organisations and individuals which enables users to represent themselves and their companies accurately, efficiently and comprehensively to their current and potential business partners thereby ensuring that they receive the most accurate and appropriate information and services from other in the industry

Info & comment

A collection of reports and information tools that outline the fundamentals of SRI, discuss the changing dynamics of the industry and helps users to manage news flow.  Section contains: SRI Dynamics reportsSRI-kipedia & the New(s)ources stream

SRI network

An enterprise network for the SRI industry incorporating discussion groups, event management and private messaging capabilities