
Through our partnership, Sustainable Investment Training Associates, we train investors and analysts in the application of sustainability factors to fundamental bottom-up valuation.
Sustainable Investment Training Associates is a partnership of highly-experienced sustainable investment professionals with a shared belief that training must be engaging, motivating, intellectually-stimulating and practically-relevant.
The team delivers training courses in:
This page lists the sustainable investment / ESG training courses that are currently offered. Please contact
Training for investors and investment analysts
Understanding RI
By: PRI Academy | Via: Web-based | Link | Features: Key principles of RI
Applied RI
By: PRI Academy | Via: Web-based | Link | Features: Focused on incorporating ESG factors in investment decision-making
Advanced RI Analysis
By: PRI Academy | Via: Web-based | Link | Features: Examines the use of sustainability data in stock valuation
RI for Trustees
By: PRI Academy | Via: Web-based | Link | Features: Aspects of RI that are relevant to trustees
Certificate in ESG Investing
By: CFA Society UK | Via: Self-study | Link | Features: Level 4 qualification which delivers the skills required for investment professionals to integrate ESG factors into the investment process
Sustainable Finance
By: Rotterdam School of Management | Via: In Person | Link | Features: How finance can be used to increase businesses’ contribution to a sustainable economy
Governance, Stewardship & Sustainability Course
By: ICGN | Via: Web-based | Link | Features: Theoretical, empirical and especially practical aspects of integrating ESG into investor and company decision-making
Certificate in Sustainable Investing and Finance
By: DVFA | Via: Class based + Webinars | Link | Features: Aims to introduce sustainable investment professionals into modern finance and investment practice
Sustainable Investing: An Introductory Course for Individual Investors
By: USSIF | Via: Web-based | Link | Features: The basics of sustainable investing and how to align your portfolios to address social and environmental priorities.
Fundamentals of Sustainable and Impact Investment
By: USSIF | Via: Web-based | Link | Features: The basics of sustainable, responsible and impact investment, and how to incorporate it into investment portfolios and client conversations
The Chartered SRI Counselor (CSRIC)
By: USSIF | Via: Web-based | Link | Features: The history, definitions, trends, portfolio construction principles, fiduciary responsibilities, and best practices for sustainable investments for finance professionals.
Sustainable Investing Training Course
By: IFF | Via: Web-based & option for classroom| Link | Features: How to identify, structure and finance lucrative sustainable impact investment
Certification on ESG Performance
By: sustainability ACADEMY | Via: Web-based | Link | Features: A certified course for Sustainability professionals who want to acquire the necessary practical skills to report to Investors
Fundamentals of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Investing
By: Fitch | Via: Web-based | Link | Features: Introductory course reviews the key motivations behind the increased awareness of ESG investing and the risks and challenges this presents.
ESG, Impact & Sustainable Investing
By: Euromoney | Via: Web-based | Link | Features: Discover sound (ESG) investing practices
ESG for Investment Managers
By: ESG Investing | Via: Class based | Link | Features: Examines all areas of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing from basic principles to how it can be incorporated in the investment process
Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Investment – An Overview
By: BPP | Via: Web based | Link | Features:The how and why it makes moral and financial sense to incorporate ESG factors into your investment portfolio, positively impacting human and natural resource sustainability
Responsible Investing: Summer course
By: NNIP | Via: Web based | Link | Features: The impact Covid-19 has had on government, corporate and individual behaviour and how they will affect the future of responsible investing
Sustainable Investment Professional Certification
By: Concordia | Via: Web based | Link | Features: SIPC provides finance and corporate professionals with a new set of investment and risk management skills to take account of the rapidly changing sustainable investment world.
Sustainable IR
By: IR Society | Via: Web based | Link | Features: Explores practical approaches to some of the more common ethical issues encountered in investor relations.
Sustainable Investments in a Changing World
By: SSF| Via: Web based | Link | Features: Four modules tailored to finance professionals to aid capacity building in sustainable finance to advance investments in more sustainable products.
Certificate of Advanced Studies in Sustainable Finance
By: HEG Geneva | Via: Web based | Link | Features: Designed to assist finance professionals seize growing opportunities offered by responsible investment.
CESGA - Certified ESG Analyst
By: AZEK | Via: Web based | Link | Features: Helps understand the complex interplay between sustainable and financial factors and their integration into the investment process e.g. ESG impacts on risk and return