SRI-Connect's Directory is a 'who's who' and 'who's where' that contains profiles of organisations and individuals that are active across the sustainable investment value chain globally.

What are Profiles?

Profiles enable users to introduce themselves and their organisations accurately to current and potential business partners thereby ensuring that they receive the most appropriate information and services from these professional counterparties

Keeping a profile up-to-date is the most important determinant of the value that an individual or organisation will get from SRI-CONNECT.

    • For individuals, profiles define what appears in their ‘Market Buzz’ feed, what research and event invitations they receive, how they are found through searches etc.

  • For organisations, accurate profiles determine how well partners and suppliers understand what they do and what they need
  • For funds & indices, profiles play a key part in focussing the attention of companies and investors alike on their scope and priorities

The more accurate your profile, the better ‘SRI-connected’ you will be!

What profile types feature on SRI-CONNECT?

  • Individual user profiles which are created by individuals when they register with SRI-CONNECT.  These detail the responsibilities, interests and needs of individual users and drive each user's 'Buzz - my interests' feed
  • Organisational profiles outline the capabilities and needs of organisations. These contain general information about each organisation's SRI engagement.
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Who writes the profiles? Who can edit them?

Individual user profiles are set up by individuals on registration.  They can only be edited by the individuals themselves.

All organisational profiles were initially written by SRI-CONNECT editors; however, editing responsibilities are gradually being transferred to site users upon their request.  Users can apply to manage (edit) the profile of their organisation via here.

    To determine who currently has the editing rights for an individual organisational profile see the tab entitled 'Profile Manager' on that organisation's profile.

    Who can access the Directory? Who can see my profile?

    Only registered users of SRI-Connect.

    What information can be seen?

    In addition, to preserve personal and commercial confidentiality, a number of important restrictions are in place:

    • Email addresses cannot be seen by anyone
    • Asset managers and SRI research agencies cannot, at any level of subscription, see detailed profiles of their competitors
    • Expressions of interests in companies by asset management firms and individual analysts can only be seen by the companies concerned

    What information shows on a profile?

    The depth of information that can be seen on a profile depends on the viewer's level of site membership.

    Different organisations - different profile types

    To reflect the different needs and objectives of different organisations, maxi profiles incorporate information that is specific to different organisational types:

    • Asset managers – on their SRI funds and strategies, their investment coverage and research focus
    • Companies – on the key sustainability issues that they face, their SRI communications practices and the resulting ratings and holdings
    • SRI research providers – on their SRI product offer and the scope and process of their research
    • Asset owners – on how they execute any SRI commitments
    • Investment consultants on their advisory capabilities
    • Other Research, Advisory & Advocacy – on the nature of their SRI engagement and their specific interests and areas of expertise

    How to write profiles?

    To maximise the benefit of a profile, here are a few points to consider:

    • Write for suppliers and partners – not for customers: Most organisations are used to writing profiles that magnify and exaggerate their capabilities to an audience of potential customers. SRI-CONNECT profiles should be different. They should aim to be precise descriptions of capabilities and needs and written with suppliers and partners in mind. (Any customers that do access your SRI-C profile are more likely to be impressed by a concise and accurate profile than by marketing guff).
    • Restrict don’t expand: Limiting the boundaries of your interest precisely will ensure that only organisations with something concrete to offer will contact you. Again, represent your objectives and needs accurately so that you can be supplied efficiently.
    • Keep it concise - users may be reviewing your profile in the context of twelve others – no-one will thank you for writing pages.

    Special characters

    The following special characters can enhance the precision of searches:

    • Use the ‘space’ (“ “) character to indicate that you wish to search for any of two words; so a search for “Capital Eco” returns:
      • “AB Capital Eco Fund” and “Capital Ecologics" - which contain both of the search words and also...
      • “AB Capital”, “The Economics Trust”, “Capital Properties”, “Eco Action” which each contain one of the search words
    • Use the ‘underscore’ (“_”) character to indicate a space in a text string; so a search for “Capital_Eco” only returns “AB Capital Eco Fund” and “Capital Ecologics"

    Also see: What are the different search types for?

    What are the different search types for?

    Searches of varying sophistication (as outlined in the table below) are available to different users dependent on their membership type

    How is data protected?

    SRI-CONNECT aims to encourage transparency between different SRI counterparties. However, we also take the issue of personal data protection very seriously.

    Full details of our privacy policy can be found here. Please contact us, HERE to raise raise any concerns. We will act immediately to rectify any areas that cause concern over the use of commercial or personal data.

    What is the difference between ‘Connections’ and ‘Follows’?

    • You 'Connect' with an individual – and need to be accepted by them
    • You ‘Follow’ an organisation – but do not need to be ‘accepted’
      • all work (reports, research, invitations etc.) BY them (i.e. that they author) and,
      • all work ABOUT them (i.e. authored by others)
      • will only receive work BY them
      • It is not possible to receive work ABOUT other organisations
      • When you 'follow' a company (by which we mean a listed company) you will receive:
      • When you ‘follow’ any other sort of organisation (e.g. asset owner, SRI agencies etc.) you:

    How to download & print full profiles

    To print a full profile, subscribers should click on the 'Print' button that appears on all profiles below the 'Follow' button.

    Your browser will then allow you to save paper by downloading to .pdf file - but not necessarily printing.

    This feature is only available to subscribers (subscribe here) and will be of particular value to companies on SRI roadshows or research providers on marketing trips. It may also help SRI analysts attending conferences and meeting with companies.

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