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Most read research buzzes

  1. (1186)



    InterAxS Global is pleased to be organising a roadshow for ABB (Asea Brown Boveri) to update investors on its sustainability strategy and practices.

    'As a technology leader in electrification and automation, ABB is at the core of accelerating the energy transition.  The company aims to enable a low-carbon society, preserve resources, and promote social progress for a net-zero future.  Their ‘Setting New Standards in Sustainability’ report was recently released, alongside a new Sustainability disclosure dashboard.

    • Date & time: Wednesday 15 May
    • Format: Virtual meetings (1-on-1s and small group meetings) between 09:00 and 16:15 (BST)
    • Company participants: Anke Hampel - Global Head of Sustainability & Ann-Sofie Nordh - Head of Investor Relations'

    Institutional investors who would like to meet with the company should contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    A briefing webinar for ESG ratings agency analysts will also be held on 15 May - Details here

  2. (1156)

    Research RFP: First Sentier Investors - Sustainable food systems research series - Climate risk and adaptation solutions report

    In commissioning this report, SII aims to contribute to filling this knowledge gap, providing investors with a starting point for considering climate risk impacts on food-related economic activities, adaptation opportunities, and engagement approaches.


    In 2022, the IPCC report highlighted the increased risks to global food security which will follow the temperature increases beyond 1.5C. Growing vulnerability of global food value chains to climate risk has become apparent in the recent years, as frequent extreme weather events have been affecting agricultural production in many regions, with examples including: continuous drought and flooding leading to hunger crisis in the Horn of Africa, extreme rain and flooding damaging crops and increasing food prices in Pakistan in 2022, drought and high temperatures in 2023 and 2024 affecting crops in Southern Europe. Weather impact estimates predict that further reductions in crop yields might be significant.

    Stakeholder recognition of the critical importance of climate change impact on food value chains is growing: at COP 28, the final agreement acknowledged the vulnerability of food systems to climate risk and highlighted the importance of achieving climate-resilient agricultural production.


    This report will provide a high-level, investor-relevant analysis of the impacts of extreme weather events and slow onset effects of climate change (e.g. temperature rise, sea level rise, land degradation ocean acidification) on global food value chains in the near, medium and long term, highlight key geographical supply chain vulnerabilities, discuss commodities which will be significantly affected and the resulting effects downstream, consider adaptation measures and challenges to their implementation.

    This report should cover the following elements:

    • Near-term, mid-term and long-term climate change risks across various elements of food value chain
    • Elements of company disclosure which would help investors to analyse material climate risks within food value chain
    • Key adaptation solutions for specific industries which would address these risks
    • Company engagement guide for different sectors comprising food value chain
    • The aim of the report will be to inform investors on the likely impacts of climate risk on global food value chain and enable them to engage with the portfolio companies forming part the global food systems to address and mitigate these risks. The report should also be of interest to a wider multi-stakeholder audience since it will be publicly available and widely disseminated.
    Research Approach
    • Establish the exact scope of the report, along with literature and data to be used in discussion with SII
    • Provide an outline of the project and a timeline
    • Conduct research on the impacts of extreme weather events and other effects of climate change on the global food systems, highlighting the geographical supply chain vulnerabilities and commodities that are already being affected/most likely to be affected in the near, medium and long term; outline adaptation strategies that can be used by the market actors and key challenges to their implementation; provide an engagement guidance for investors with portfolio holdings in companies which activities might be affected
    Proposal Guidelines:
    • In your proposal, please include the following information:
    • Proposed research methodology
    • The proposed scope of the research
    • Proposed relevant publications to be used as literature review
    • Proposed report structure
    • Proposed timetable for execution of the project, including intended interaction with the Institute and report reviews. Please indicate the earliest project complication.
    • Proposed fees and costs
    • Short biographies or skills profile of the proposed team members

    Please submit a proposal by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a cc to:

    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and
    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Proposed Timelines:
    • This RFP is issued on 08.05.2024
    • Any questions or feedback regarding the brief should be submitted by 17.05.2024
    • Answers to any questions will be provided by 22.05.2024
    • Proposal should be submitted to the Institute by 31.05.2024
    • together with availability for a 1 hour call to discuss the proposals in the week of 3.06.2024
    • Target for notifying the successful tenderer by 13.06.2024
    Project - Deliverable - Timeline (time from the inception)
    • Outline and plan for the work - 10 weeks
    • Desktop research raw data (summarized and structured way) - 18 weeks
    • First draft with analysis result - 22 weeks
    • Final draft with intro/recommendations, etc. - 26 weeks
    • The Institute’s standard Legal Contract for commissioned research will be used
    • The reports Intellectual property will belong to the Institute
    • The Institute will have the right to publish the research under its own brand
    • Attribution to the author(s) and their organisation will be given in the final report
    • The Institute will retain editorial control over the reports content
    • The authors should ensure the report contains no personal information, that any images included are licensed for their intended use and they have distribution rights for any third party references and data.
    Institute's use of the report and its content

    The Institute would publish the report on its websites (English and Japanese). In addition to that, the Institute may want to use parts of the content or produce new content based on all or parts of the work presented in the report.

    That could be shared with other 3rd parties and could include, but would not be limited to:

    • using charts and/or quotes in presentation prepared by the Institute
    • using charts and/or quotes in presentation prepared by her FSI and MUTB/MUFG staff
    • webinars to present and promote the findings of the report
    • presenting and promoting the findings of the report at conferences
    • publicizing the publication of the report with a press release
    • preparing e-mail notifications to promote the paper
    • writing blogs for our websites and/or articles for other media
    • using charts/ quotes from the report for posts on our linkedin account or using other text/material that introduces and promotes the paper on LinkedIn
    Invest advice and financial promotions:
    • The report must not include, or be capable of being construed as investment advice.
    • Ideally the report should not reference individual identifiable listed securities; explicitly or implicitly. Where this is unavoidable, any reference must be restricted to information in the public domain with appropriate citation.
    • The report must not constitute a financial promotion. Consequently any reference to FSI or MUFG products is prohibited
    • The report could follow a similar style to previous reports commissioned by the Institute, but other formats are also acceptable as our priority is to use the most suitable style that achieves clear, simple and easy to follow messaging and maximize the use of visuals, tables, lists.
    • The report is intended for publication in the public domain
    • Please specify in your proposal if you are able to provide us with a finished formatted report, following the Institute’s style and branding
    • If the Institute retains responsibility for report design, the Institute will expect all visuals to be prepared and provided in a format that can be easily replicated by an external design/ typeset agency. This includes all necessary source data
    • The Institute will expect collaboration on developing infographics/visuals, if such are deemed effective and in support of the report messaging
    • The Institute will arrange for the report to be translated into Japanese for publication on the Japanese language version of the Institute’s website

  3. (856)



    Britvic is a UK-based soft drinks company operating in five segments: GB, Brazil, Ireland, France and International to manufacture or distribute brands including Robinsons, J2O, Fruit Shoot, R Whites and Purdeys, Ballygowan, MiWadi, Club, TK, Cidona, Teisseire, Pressade, Moulin de Valdonne, Maguary, Bela Ischia and Dafruta.  The company also manufactures and distributes private label syrups and branded flavour concentrates.

    Sustainability issue focus

    On this roadshow, Sarah Webster (Director of Sustainable Business) and Steve Webster (Director of Investor Relations) will present on and answer the questions around Britvic’s approach to:

    • Driving down calories
    • Cutting Scope 1 and Scope 2 market-based carbon emissions
    • Pioneering dispense technology that delivers soft drinks ‘Beyond the Bottle’
    • Investments in our employees’ wellness and wellbeing
    • Other aspects of the company’s sustainability exposures and management

    Roadshow details

    Analysts and investors are invited to participate in the following events:

    • 1-on-1 meetings for investors (limited availability)
    • Four slots from 10:00 onwards on Thurs 20 June
    • RSVP ASAP by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    • Small group meeting for investors (limited availability)
    • 13:30 – 14:30 on Thurs 20 June
    • RSVP via SRI-Connect here or to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    • Briefing call for ESG ratings agency analysts
    • 15:00 – 16:00 on Thurs 20 June
    • RSVP via SRI-Connect here or to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  4. (659)



    Livestock production is a significant contributor to the world crossing the safe operating space for the planetary boundaries.

    The negative feedback loops of exceeding planetary boundaries have already resulted in a range of environmental and financially material impacts for the livestock sector and the agri-food value chain. According to the Global Consultation Report of the Food and Land Use Coalition (FOLU) published in 2018, climate-related risks of the food system were valued at around USD $1.5 trillion, and this is even higher for nature at USD $1.7 trillion.

    Livestock production is a significant contributor to these risks, and the impacts are compounded by the interconnectedness between climate and nature. Understanding the nature of this interconnectedness is critical when designing sustainability strategies and transition plans for climate and nature. 

  5. (609)



    The Cleantech Revolution is the third installment of RMI’s annual energy transition presentation. In it, RMI charts how the energy system is being disrupted by the exponential forces of renewables, electrification, and efficiency.

    The past decade has seen remarkable progress and growth in cleantech. Cleantech costs have fallen by up to 80 percent, while investment is up nearly 10 times and solar generation has risen 12 times. Meanwhile, electricity has grown to become the largest source of useful energy, and the deep force of efficiency has reduced energy demand by a fifth.

    As the drivers of change continue to overpower the barriers, cleantech will continue to grow up S-curves, pushing fossil fuel demand into terminal decline and pulling the Paris Agreement within our reach.

  6. (592)



    The decarbonizing transport sector is at the start of a multi-decade transition, driven by falling energy costs, governments, and stakeholder pressure for sustainable solutions.

  7. (511)



    This report is part of the Asia Sustainable Finance Initiative (ASFI) - a multi-stakeholder forum, incubated by WWF-Singapore that aims to harness and amplify the power of the finance sector to create low-carbon, climate-resilient and nature-positive economies that deliver on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Agreement and the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF).

  8. (507)



    Markets to finance the protection, better management and restoration of nature.

    Protecting, improving and restoring nature can become a source of return for landowners and not just another cost of doing business.

    Unprecedented global action to address the decline in nature and its causes is underway, and investments in biodiversity will be a critical part of these efforts. The global rate of species extinction is unlike anything the world has seen since the time of the dinosaurs – today, one million plant and animal species are threatened with extinction, many within decades. Because over half of the world’s economy is dependent on nature, these losses threaten the wellbeing and livelihoods of people all over the world.

    This paper examines existing and developing market-based pathways for land-based investment to positively impact biodiversity. Nuveen begin with an overview of environmental market frameworks developed to support biodiversity outcomes, with examples spanning voluntary and compliance market frameworks and a range of geographies. Next, they assess the current state of biodiversity credit markets, key challenges and major developing frameworks. Finally, they explore what biodiversity markets mean for investors and some of the risks unique to these markets.

  9. (481)



    The oil and gas industry is undergoing a major transformation as it braces for the eventual long-term decline in oil demand and rising global need for natural gas.

    As those trends ripple through the industry, growth in oil investment shows signs of peaking in non-OPEC countries, while investment in liquified natural gas (LNG) is expected to increase more than 50% by 2029, according to Goldman Sachs Research. The industry had 73 major projects under development worldwide last year, 30% more than at the beginning of the decade but still 32% below the level in 2014, according to Top Projects, GS Research’s 21st annual analysis of the energy sector. Underscoring this shift, Goldman Sachs Research projects the global gas market will grow 50% during the next five years.

  10. (464)



    Remarkably, the computational power required for sustaining AI's rise is doubling roughly every 100 days. To achieve a tenfold improvement in AI model efficiency, the computational power demand could surge by up to 10,000 times. The energy required to run AI tasks is already accelerating with an annual growth rate between 26% and 36%.

    This means by 2028, AI could be using more power than the entire country of Iceland used in 2021. The AI lifecycle impacts the environment in two key stages: the training phase and the inference phase. In the training phase, models learn and develop by digesting vast amounts of data.

    Once trained, they step into the inference phase, where they're applied to solve real-world problems. At present, the environmental footprint is split, with training responsible for about 20% and inference taking up the lion's share at 80%. As AI models gain traction across diverse sectors, the need for inference and its environmental footprint will escalate.

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