Rolling Stone Round-up (July'24)

The Rolling Stone Round-up is SRI-CONNECT's monthly review of changing roles and responsibilities within the SRI & corporate governance community.  It is one of the ways that we keep SRI connected.


Hugh Wheelan has been tracking movements in the industry.  See his blogposts here:

Sustainable ROCKERS:
  • Peter Van der Werf has been promoted to Head of Active Ownership at Robeco.  Peter was previously Head of Engagement at Robeco..
  • Stephanie Williams has been promoted to Natural Capital and Biodiversity Specialist at Schroders.  Stephanie was previously Sustainable Investment Analyst at Schroders.
Responsible ROLLERS

The following people have moved to take on SRI or corporate governance responsibilities at new firms over the past month or so:

Contact us

So, if your job has changed recently, please:

  • update your SRI-CONNECT profile and
  • notify us via this form: Rockers - if you have a new role / responsibilities at the same firm
  • notify us via this form: Rollers - if you have joined a new firm
  • ... or email details of your changed responsibillities to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.