Consultants are likely to use the following services from SRI-CONNECT:
Market Buzz & Research
- Receive news, research and reports from companies, SRI research providers and others – also notifications of discussions, events and blogs – all filtered to their own specific interests
- Channel their own news, research, ideas and questions to SRI industry participants with mutual interests
Directory, networks & discsussion
- Maintain a profile to ensure that companies, investors and other industry participants have a clear understanding of their capabilities
- Engage in the debate about the development of SRI and to identify areas that they can support
- Build and manage their own SRI network via the groups, events and messaging functions
SRI Dynamics discussion papers
- Engaging SRI: top tips - (coming soon) which outlines to industry outsiders how to shape and communicate social and environmental news and research in a way that maximises its value to the SRI industry
- Take control of SRI communications – which guides companies on how to communicate effectively with SRI investors
- “Companies still don’t communicate” – the text of Mike Tyrrell’s contribution to the 2009 Corporate Register’s Awards Debate.
Registration and membership
- These special considerations govern the access of NGOs to SRI-Connect
- XXXXX - MT to write sth about how NGOs can use the site to develop their profile and track progress
For full details, see Registration and subscription
Build profile, distribute research, share ideas
Investment consultants can:
- Use Market Buzz to raise the profile of their research and share their opinions with investors and analysts (About Market Buzz | Post research & reports)
- Use the Directory to highlight their organisational and individual capabilities and interests (About Directory | Update your organisation's profile | Update your personal profile)
- Advertise events (About Events | All events)
- Monitor the developing profile of their firm and research with sustainable investment industry
- Response to requests for research made via the Research Marketplace
Learn & interact
Investment consultants can:
- Receive research that matches their areas of focus (About Market Buzz | View the latest buzz)
- Learn about the dynamics of the sustainable investment industry (SRI Primer | Ecology of SRI | Trends & opinion)
- Join discussions (All Discussion Groups)
- Make connections & send messages
... and like all members of the network, they can:
- Careers, skills & jobs: Employ others and develop their own skills & careers
- People & networks: Network with, follow and engage with others
These special conditions govern the access of NGOs to SRI-Connect